About the ACFS
The Australia-Cuba Friendship Society was established in 1982, with branches in all Australian states as well as fraternal groups in a number of New Zealand cities. To co-ordinate our work more effectively and exchange news and views we hold an annual two-day National Consultation in different states in a central location. But we all have a common aim in promoting friendship and support for the Cuban people by raising awareness among Australians about Washington's long economic/political blockade and its attempts to subvert and destroy Cuba's great revolutionary achievements, especially in health and education.
The Melbourne ACFS meets monthly, puts out a regular newsletter and holds fund-raising functions for specific projects, which are determined by the Cubans themselves. As examples, the ACFS has contributed towards the cost of completing a project to improve conditions at a primary boarding school and to help Cuba's Hurricane Relief Appeal.
Since 1984, the ACFS has organised an annual four-week Southern Cross Work/Study Brigade to give Australians and New Zealanders the opportunity to see Cuba from the 'inside', visiting schools, hospitals, factories, picking fruit, and the highlight - spending a few days with a Cuban family - all of which builds bridges of understanding among our two peoples. The brigade, which leaves Australia at the end of December, is a great leveller and attracts people of all ages and from all walks of life.
ACFS is affiliated to the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) |
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Melbourne ACFS meets on the first Monday of the month at the Melbourne Unitarian Church, 110 Grey St, East Melbourne at 7.30pm. New members are warmly welcomed.